Senin, 27 April 2009

Gamma's Music Conclusion Term III


This term i have learned a lot from music theory class. First i learned how to make the major scale and i learned well so that i could improve in making the major scales. Then i learn how to sing jazz song called "Fly me to the Moon" and i was assessed by performing that song. Mr. Herry give me task to observe and make report about jazz music and i was able to submit it on time. Then, i taught by the teacher about learning plan and task booklet, and i make 5 Q&A about jazz and filled the KWL chart.

Music Reflection Term III

My goal is i want to do all my tasks.

Today i learn about major scales in music theory session. My goal is to do all tasks in instrument session.

I have learned to sing jazz song called "Fly me to the Moon" and "Autumn Leaves". I can sing Fly me to the Moon better than Autumn Leaves.

I have learned and known about the semester 2 learning plan and task booklet.

I have done the 5 questions about jazz and the answers that i have researched. I did it very well and answer 5 questions correctly based on my research. And i'm feeling happy.

I have filled the KWL chart and four-column chart on the outline to make my individual reports on jazz music.

In this session i watched the video about jazz performers. The video shown duo concert of Chick Corea and Bobby McFerrin.

Today i have discussed and given the briefing for the Java Jazz excursion in the 7th of March.

In this session i received my result on individual report and written test. And then i learn about how to make report about jazz that i have watched in Java Jazz. And then i remembered my group for group performance.